Gosh, I am so glad she is my mom.
Doesn't happen. Ever.
You see, though, Nancy just always looks good. She has poise and she has grace. She is so feminine and carries herself as a woman quite well.
But really, here are some special moments that remind me of her.
- Elton John/Simon and Garfunkel. My mom is great with music. Her taste is incredible. But these two artists are what really stand out with her. I remember listening to Scarbarough Field while riding with her to Maddox when I was a little girl. That song was magical to me. I probably (and maybe secretly still do) thought that it was such a romantic song and that I would get married in the woods with my first grade boyfriend and it would sound just like that song. Nerdy, I know, but it is great. I also love how she loves Elton John. He was her first concert, (was only five bucks or something to see him) and she still loves him to this day. Whenever I want to think about my mom, I just put "Belfast" on the pod, and think of our good drives to that song.
- Dancing. My mom is a horrible dancer. I am a horrible dancer. So when we dance...well, we dance. It is terrifying but oh, so much fun. Her classic move is the "camel dance", which is just awful. Ang and I still try to master that dance but she is the only tamer of that one.
- The Graduate/When Harry Met Sally/The Way We Were/any sappy romantic movie. My mom loves a good romance movie and whenever I need a good "woman time" movie, I always ask for her advice. I love watching her favorite movies so I can share that with her. I still remember when I stole The Way We Were from her. It was the first month of me moving into the house and I was a wreck. So I was thinking, Oh hey, Bah-bra knows how to make someone feel good. Well, I was wrong. I called her up after bawling and talking about how great that movie was. She really does know some good stuff.
- Also, she told me that Edward Scissorhands is a funny movie. I called her after watching it, bawling hysterically and telling her she lied about it being funny and her response was, "Well, when he grooms the dogs it was hilarious." Yeah, that part was only five minutes. Horrible.
- My mom remembers every outfit she wore on the first day of school. It is great hearing her talk about her amazing memory (she can remember things like that but not my name? Awesome.) I also love listening to music with her and how she can say things like, "I remember I was in Sixth grade when I got this vinyl and I was wearing such-and-such outfit and someone threw a snake at me."
- Adding to that, she is amazing telling stories. I want her to write down all her childhood memories so I can share them with my kids.
- My mom loves El Matador. Hell, she really loves gross mexican food. Sometimes, when I come home on Sundays expecting dinner, I find out that dinner really is just chips and salsa from Javiers. Not the greatest moment, but hey, it is a nice snack
I really do have the most amazing mom. I swell up with pride whenever anyone says that I am just like her or that I look like her. She is tougher than nails but is still so gentle. I really do see her as my best friend. I loved it when I lived in New York that we would call each other every morning to talk about how our days are going to go. I love how she hates The Lord of the Rings. I love how she will call me three times in a row and when I call her back, she will tell me, "Oh hey, I have to call you right back." Annoying as hell, but she never lets me down with that. I love how much she loves my siblings and me. I love how she loves my friends and the people I care about most in my life. I love that she loves our dog more than us kids sometimes. I love her cooking. I love that she reads. I love having her there for me always. I love walking with her in the mountains. I love her when she is nice and I love her when she is annoyed at me. I love that I call her Nimmer.
But most of all, I love that I get to call her mom.
I hope that I get the chance to be the amazing type of mom that you have been to me. Thank you for all the wonderful things that you have done for me. I thank God every day that I have you as my mother.
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