Friday, January 30, 2009

All The Things That Go To Make Heaven And Earth


It has been, what, a week since I have written anything? Well, I rock at keeping everyone updated. I am sure most of you are wandering around, lost, thinking "What happened to that one girl? You know, the one who writes weird stuff about her life. I think her last name has something to deal with water. You know, like running creek or falling waters." Well lucky for those folks! I am still alive and still going strong.

Except in the blogging department.

So let us all see if I can remember what I have done in the past week. Here we go!


I had the pleasure of going south into the city once again to see my brother and future sister-in-law. I really love how I wind up there every couple of weeks. It is a great city, full of life and wonder. Before I left though, I went to the Verizon store to change my phone number and to be emancipated from my parent's phone bill. It was sad leaving my 801 number. I think it was really the one thing keeping me a part of Utah still. Well, hello New York! I have one of your fantastic 914 numbers.


After switching my phone number, my phone did not automatically switch its main number, so it was still on the disabled 801 number. I did not have a working phone and I was about to go into the city without knowing where Emily lives. Let the adventure begin!

I got into Grand Central and worked my way to the subway station in there. With my Not For Tourists book, I decided that Emily lived right by the park on the East side because I remember there being a park by her place. So i caught the subway that would take me to Lexington (the right avenue) and 60Th (the wrong street). I had no clue where I was and I was stranded without a phone. So I did what anyone would do. I wandered in Central Park for an hour, enjoying the sights, and not feeling nervous at all. It was great for me. However, it was not great for the family. So I asked a stranger if I could use their phone, called Emily, and found out that she, in fact, lives on 96Th and Lexington. I was a little off the beaten path. So I called a cab, jumped in, and was delivered to her adorable abode.

It was really fun to stay with her and Dave. Emily and I bonded over Starbucks chai tea lattes and also inside the Verizon store. My phone finally works because of that reason. She is an amazing person. I am so excited to have her as my sister-in-law. She is smart, funny, strong, gorgeous, understanding, patient, and so many other things. I just feel so comfortable with her. Her and Dave also are so great together. Use can see the love they have for each other, and they have a great relationship. I am so excited for both of them!

After our bonding session, we picked up Dave and went to a little burger joint called Joy's Hamburgers, or something in that sort. Then it was Dave's and my chance to bond. He really is a great brother and I am excited that we will be able to have a relationship. It is good that we are near each other now. We then stopped by the apartment, got my a scarf, and went to a little party at a building that has been in Em's ward for over five years. It has an amazing rooftop view and a deck that you can go on. That was actually fun. I talked to people and had a good time. Saturday was a good day.


It was a lazy Sunday, woke up in the earl' afternoon. We had a great breakfast full of cinnamon toast and chocolate milk. I haven't had cinnamon toast for years it seems like, so it was quite delicious. I helped Emily with her lesson, and we all went to church.

Church was an experience. There were some very, very interesting speakers. The ward was assigned new sister missionaries, and the sweet new one, fresh out of the MTC, was so pumped and ready to baptized people, it kind of made me cringe. She is going to have a fun reality check. The next speaker was a ward member who talked about standing strong, or something of that sort, and used a lot of it talking about Winged Victory, a statue from the Hellenistic Greek period and she didn't click well with the audience. It was a good talk though, don't get me wrong. Then the last speaker was this guy, and boy, was that a talk. Dave pointed out that he was like Michael Scott from The Office and I couldn't stop laughing. It was THE WEIRDEST talk I have ever heard in my life! One minute he was talking about his grandpa saving a boy from drowning in a river and how that made it into General Conference, then the next moment he is talking about how is friend's last name is Gardiner and he actually likes gardening. It was bizarre.

Emily's lesson went great. The class participated and she made it flow smoothly and easy to understand. She is just too great. I can't stand how excited I am that she is going to be in our family! We then traveled back to home, where I was greeted with a delicious Indian chicken dish, Bear Grylls stuck in icy water, and some random lady who came into the apartment checking it out. It was a great day, that ended with me in Harlem, waiting for my train.

So I am not the smartest person. No, let me rephrase that. I am a very smart person, but when I do something stupid, it is never a little slip. It is a huge tumble of humiliation. So I was waiting for my train, and I went into a little glass part to keep warm. Well, there were two guys in there when I entered, then one left right after. I had a feeling like I needed to get out, but I didn't. So I was just looking around, when he asked if I could do him a favor. He then proceded to tell me about how he had been in jail for a while and he was on parole, but he had no money to ride the train to see his daughter, and if he snuck on, he would lose his parole so he needed my help to buy him a ticket. I was horrified! I told him I didn't have any money, good luck, then went downstairs to be paranoid for the next half an hour. It was so horrifying, I thought he was going to pop a cap at me. I saw a couple police come in and then I saw him come down from upstairs and leave outside alone. I felt bad, but I didn't want to risk anything. So I am smart, right? Hopefully. I at least made it home safely, talked to Ashlee, and went to bed.


Monday was an eventful day. Something was leaking up at the top of the hill by the house, so ice was everywhere in the driveway and down Cayuga. Jeannie told Mitch that she think something could be wrong with the pool house, but he told her not to worry. So I drove the girls to school, came home, and was surprised to see a lot of construction guys at the house scraping the ice. When I got out of the car, one of them walked up the drive to talk to me. He told me that the water was coming from our property and was wondering if they could have a look up in the yard. I told them that was fine, then they proceeded up there. Well, come to find out, the water in the shower had been on and was overflowing on the property, freezing everything in its path. That was pretty crazy. So I called Mitch, who called many people, and I was left alone thinking, "Man, this is a great start to a week!" Thank goodness I was not to blame.

After that excitement, I got ready for the day, went grocery shopping, car washing, dry cleaning, and banking. Having nothing else to do, I went to the mall and got my cartilage pierced. That was fun! I love my new hole and it is a nice little bling for a while. It burned pretty bad, but it doesn't hurt that much anymore. After that, nothing really eventful happened. Monday was a good, productive day.
Oh, I also went to FHE with my ward. It is getting a little better. I got a priesthood blessing from one of the bishopric, so I felt much better about the upcoming week. I am giving it all a shot.


Tuesday, Tuesday, Tuesday. What happened that day? This is a reason why I should not procrastinate on my blog writing. Hmm..

Ok, now I know what happened. Mads had ballet, so she danced while I read some more of David Sedaris. He is my idol. If I could have an inkling of his humor, I would be one happy man, er woman. Jake asked me 100 thousand questions of me, which was great, because I am a sucker for talking about myself. That is what happens when you are conceited.

Maddie was disappointed in me for not coming downstairs to watch her dance. I felt halfway bad about it, but not really. Horrible, I know. I got a letter from Cami with an ancient picture of her, Chanel, and I when we were twelve, with lipstick all over our faces and pillows stuffed in our clothes. It made my day. Kayla also is a black belt candidate, so she will hopefully get her belt in December. It is quite intimidating when you know the nine year old that you babysit could literally kick your butt. She is a sweetheart though, so I know she wouldn't do that.


Wednesday was a snow day. No school for the girls, and really no work for me. I was allowed to sleep in until Maddie woke up. Unfortunately, Maddie woke up at seven, a half an hour before my shift started. I made us all breakfast, exercised, and talked to the girls of the plans for the day. Kay went to a friend's house, as did Olivia. Maddie had a play date with twins named Allie and Caroline. Right when they came over, all hell broke loose. It was hilarious, all the chaos. They automatically got naked, changed clothes, and tore Mads' room apart. Steph and I were exhausted. It was a fun, relaxing day for all of us. A well needed break.


Kay and Liv both had a two hour delay, so I made pancakes. Maddie didn't have school, so it was to be our special day. We went to Target, buying a million boxes of cereal, (more like six, but still, it was a ton) speeding through the aisles with the cart, ate lunch at the mall, and bought a necklace and bracelet set. It was so fun. She is my little buddy. My days go by so slowly when she has school until two. I know how my mom feels now without me as her "errand buddy." We just have too much fun.

We went home, picked up the girls, then later on ordered pizza and ate it on the piano bench as a picnic spot in the living room. It was so fun. We put a towel on the bench, watched the t.v., and sat in kiddie chairs eating. These girls are so creative and fun. I love it.

Friday (a.k.a today)

Today was pretty chill. I got the girls ready for school, did laundry and showered, then picked up Maddie from school at eleven forty. We then ate a quick lunch and were off to tae kwon do. I got a letter from my cousin, Tommy, who is currently in the MTC getting ready to depart for Korea. It was great to hear from him and feel the Lord's spirit. I also slipped on the ice in the driveway, flying on my hip. I love God's tender mercies to help me calm down like that. It was actually hilarious and I just laughed it off. I then dropped off Kay's ice skating stuff to the driver today, picked up Maddie, and we started making valentine cards. It was so much fun. We colored for probably three hours. The older girls were just in and out today with friends, so Maddie and I were mostly by ourselves.

When Jeannie got home, I went to White Plains to go see a movie. I did not have enough change for the meter to go to the movie and I was scared to go by myself, so I just went to Barnes and Noble instead. I chilled there for an hour then headed back home. So this is where we find me, sitting in my bed, falling asleep and trying to be clever while blogging. I am growing to love it here. Every day comes with its challenges but it also comes with its tender mercies. The Lord has blessed me so much while being here, so even though I am physically alone here, I know the Lord's spirit is accompanying me everywhere I go. So all is well in New York. I am healthy, (hopefully) happy, and enjoying life's ride. I love you all and hope that you had a great week.




Katie said...

i love reading about your adventures. it sounds like you're having such a good time.
keep blogging (even if only once a week)
i'm a devout reader. :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading about your week. You should change your major to journalism. I'm getting alittle bored around here. I took a walk yesterday and I missed my walking partner. Have fun and enjoy the journey. This happens once in lifetime.
Love you
Mom xoxoxo