Saturday, January 10, 2009

Week Numero Uno

My first week in Harrison is almost complete. A lot has happened, and it seems much longer than one week. I have seen much of the city with White Plains, Rye, Portchester, Mameramuk, and others in the vicinity. I have a good feel of where I am and where things are found. I really do love it here. The people are different and I don't know if I will ever get used to them, but my family is great. I really could not have asked for a better family.
Kate's last day was yesterday. I let her run the show and gave her some space. When we were driving around, I suddenly felt all the responsibility that I will have in the coming week. Wow, that is one scary thought to think about! A lot of stess and a lot of emotion was felt last night. It made me ache for home the first time since I have been here, but after a good emotional one-on-one, I felt much better and regained my confidence. Kate did a great job here and the girls loved her. I hope that I will be able to have that special bond with them in the coming months and year+half. I am excited for the upcoming week though. It is going to be one great adventure!
Today, it is snowing like crazy! It is like being home in Utah, and I actually love it. The snow looks exceptionally beautiful on the tall, numerous trees here, and it is not like Utah. I don't know why it isn't like it, but maybe it is because it is a nice New England-type snow? Hopefully it doesn't get too cold though, or else we will have some nasta' ice.
I braved my way through the snow to go to White Plains and Barnes and Noble. I do love me some B&N. I tried, with no luck, to find a parking stall that was not metered, so I had to hand over my seventy-five cents to the state of New York. I really don't know why I am so stingy with handing over three quarters. I think I am just bugged that I have to pay to park. Ok, so I really don't know what my problem is. Glad that one is over.
It was nice to have some "quiet time" in B&N. I just browsed around, picked up a copy of Breaking Dawn for Liv, and browsed the music successfully with the purchuses of Bob Dylan, Ryan Adams and the Cardinals, and Josh Ritter. I am going through some weird bluegrass/folk phase, but I enjoy it a lot. Plus, everyone needs a little Dylan in their life. You cannot love music without loving that man. I might just spend all the money I earn here on music, not clothes ha. Mom and dad, I promise I wont though. Don't worry with that.
After my quiet time, I came home and have been sitting here, looking at facebook, adding addresses to my address book, starting/finishing my laundry, and working on some homework. It is a lovely chill day in a snowy Harrison. I feel great about this now and am so excited for the new adventures to come from this. This area is so beautiful. I just love the trees and the nature life. It is going to be good here. Unless the humidity gets to me. Then it will be just semi-good. Maybe. Nah, it will all be good.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Chels,

Anonymous said...

Hey Chelsea,
We are learning how to blog!!
Your past week sounds great. You will do a wonderful job. We are proud of you. Thanks for the fun updates. Have a great week!!!
Love ya lots,
Mom & Dad

Laundry said...

I'm glad you are enjoying yourself! and that's good that everything is working out for you! enjoy yourself out there! lol. I wanna hear ALL about it when you get back to! Because I am actually thinking about going to grad school out there... just thinking about.. not quite sure yet. lol