Sunday, April 24, 2011

While Away

this is an
excerpt from a previous post that was not published...Written on April 14,2011.

I really, really, REALLY have a hard time updating and keeping up to writing once a day.
I will keep on trying my best.

Day 11: Something You Hate

I am quite a temperamental person, so I m
ay hate a lot of things. No, not hate. I get annoyed by a lot of things. So what are some things that annoy me? Well, let me tell you
  • Loud chewers
  • Nail pickers (and biting your nails doesn't count because I would then be annoyed by myself)
  • People who slow down but don't get into the median when they are about to turn
  • Snapping to music that should not be snapped to
  • The television being extremely loud during commercials
  • Utahns
  • Provo drivers
  • People who interrupt a conversation and start talking about whatever they want to
  • My kids telling me that they have no homework when I know that they do
  • Pretty much anything that deals with driving (I am more than positive that I make driving a miserable experience for everyone else on the road too)
There are a ton more things that annoy me
but I am in a "nice" mood, apparently.

Now on to the next day

Day 12: Something You Love

Now I know the previous day (pretend that it was a different post, not the few paragraphs that are above this "day") I listed things that annoy me. Yes, I admit that a TON of things annoy me. That is just how I run. I am *slightly* getting better at letting things slide and ignoring them, but it is still a huge work in progress.

Now today, I get to talk about things I love. Now, I could put something I love, but that would take too much mind power to choose just one thing, so I will make a list once more
  • My family (no brainer)
  • The gospel (another no brainer)
  • My AMAZING friends
  • Working with 4H and Program C.A.R.E.
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Harry Potter
  • Music
  • Del Taco chicken tacos (A sad farewell I had with them pledging myself to be veg.)
  • A good book
  • Really witty people
  • Birds
  • (Post ended after Birds)
This is an excerpt of a previous post that was not published...on April 24, 2011

Oh hello.

Apparently, I cannot update my blog every day. I tried really, really, really hard, but as many people have told me...

Trying is doing nothing.

Now, don't get me wrong. Trying something new is something good. But saying that you are trying to do something is--a lot of times--meaning you aren't doing anything about it. For example:

My dad wants me to do something. I know that I need to do something. Do I do it though? Nah, I just say that I will try to do it. It saves me the at moment of not doing anything. So in a way, I won that fight by not doing anything.

Yeah, that probably didn't make any sense. But people tell me to just decide to do something than just saying that I will "try" to do something. Yes, there are more people than my dad that tell me to stop saying that.

Ok, it might just be another person. But still, two or more things make a plural....grouping.

So I am still trying to decide if I want to finish all that boasting stuff. I mean, I do have some GREAT things to say about myself (I know you are all dying to hear what my biggest insecurity is) but I don't know if I want to do the work. I mean, it all seems easy to do, but I want to sound so cool and all word powerful. So I may or may not keep on doing it.

But really, I will be doing my favorite band day. That one is the best one
End of post.

This is the newpost...Published May 11, 2011

Hello hello! I am back by popular demand. I know that you all have been weeping into your pillows, crying outinto the night,

"Why oh WHY won't Chelsea update her blog?! I need it so desperately right now!!!"

Oh I know how you people think. Don't try to cover it up. Babies...
No, really though, I am quite positive that the previous scene that I described did not happen in anyone's lives. IF by chance it did, you are now my best friend and my best enemy. Congrats.

No, but really, I don't know why I haven't updated at all. Ok, I do know why. It is because I am lazy. I let the natural man take control over my blogging life. So this is my my moment of repentance to the blogging world. Look at me go.

But really, I have been a little busy with work and pretending I have a social life, so it is really hard to fit this in. But really, the main reason is that I am lazy. So let's make amends together about this.

I just looked at the other days of that challenge thing (trust me, it was a challenge) and none of the questions are THAT great. So I will just update about my life instead. Since April, nothing really has changed that much. I had to work at Church Headquarters and I got stuck in some freak security thing. That was pretty cool.

I guess that is it. FALSE! No, but that was the first thing that came to mind. Really though, life has been pretty chill. I have been working, like always, and just trying to live life up to the fullest. My 4-H job ends on May 20th, so that is a little sad to realize. I really hate endings to good things. I mean, I love that job. I love thekids. I love my coworkers. It has been the BEST job ever. I just don't want to say goodbye to my kiddos. They are something awesome, I can tell you that. Plus, I don't have anyone else that I can harass and tease every day. But really, it will be a pretty sad day.

My best friend, Mikelle, got married on April 29th (yes, her wedding was the royal wedding.) That was fun to see her get married. It was a beautiful ceremony, she was gorgeous, and it was great fun to help with the reception and goof off.

So yes, there is that. Oh, so my friend, Stephanie, and I went to an ABBA tribute band that played with the Utah Symphony.

We were smack dab in the middle of theaudience surrounded by old people. ABBA makes you kind of want to dance. Well, when you are in the middle of old people, it is probably not the best choice to stand up and start dancing. So we did some awesome seat dancing until one of the singers told everyone to stand up. When he said that, we practically fell over ourselves because we jumped up too fast. So much fun. After that, we decided to be creepers and meet the tribute band after the concert. So there we were, hiding in a dark corner in the back of Abravanal Hall painting our fingernails. The people were super cool, from Stockholm, and we made their night by waiting out for them. We then went to Village Inn for breakfast and talked for four hours. Great night.

I finished The Return of the King. You may laugh and think, "Oh Chelsea, you just finished Lord of the Rings. That is something that is not worthy of being in your blog." I tell you that you are speaking ill words saying that. I LOVE LOTR. It was so great to read it. I loved every minute of it. Now I am reading The Silmarillion so I will be a Tolkien master for a little while. It is just so great.

Cinco de Mayo happened. We hada huge fiesta at work. I wore a sombrero all day. It was great.

I went down to Provo this last weekend to see Cami and Chanel. It was great. Pretty much all we did was eat food and make friendship bracelets. It is always great to see them. I have some great friends in my life--them included.

On Mother's Day, I was washing dishes and I cut my finger on a knife. That was pretty painful.

Monday, Steph and I went to a concert in SLC. We saw "Of Montreal." Craziest concert ever. The more I think about it, it would have been a great concert to trip to. There were a million colors, gay rights activists in the songs, people dressed up as pigs, confetti, a rapping Asian, and glitter. Pretty much it sounds like one of the clubs that the SNL character, Stefan, talks about. It was just out of control. So much fun though.

So yeah, I guess that is a really condensed version of everything that has gone on. Really, life is pretty mellow. I am just enjoying the ride. I think some big things are going to be happening soon. As it is said in LOTR alot, the winds are changing. Something is going to happen. So yeah, I will keep on updating (hopefully) more often. There will be some good stories I am sure of it. There you go.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

I've been busy.

Possibly I have been lazy too. So here are four days crammed into one. I sound like a true college student

Day 7: Your Most Treasured Item

My heart. Without it, I would be dead. That is a true fact.

Day 8: Something That Makes You Laugh

Too many things make me laugh. Friends, family, stupid YouTube videos, yeah really anything. But something that really, really, REALLY makes me laugh is, sadly, myself. Sometimes I can be really clever. Plus, I have a huge imagination and I am constantly making up scenarios in my head and what I would say. Yes, I need to think of better things.

Day 9: Person Who Has Gotten You Through the Most

There are too many people to mention for this. But God and Christ are number one (no brainer, right?) my amazing family, really good friends, and other people that have had faith in me that I can be better and do more with my life. Yes, I have been blessed with many angels.

Day 10: Person You Do the Most Messed Up Things With

Messed up things, eh? I guess it would be Cami and Chanel. We would--and still--have some fun times together. For example, we made this amazing drink that we called C&C Rootaid. It consisted of root beer, lemonade, and a "special ingredient." And what was that ingredient?
Our spit.
Disgusting right? You are very right, Chelsea. But we were probably...twelve, so we didn't know better...maybe.
But yeah, we have too many stories to mention in one blog post. I mean, we have been friends since third grade; that is a lot of messed up stories. But really, the rootaid is one of my favorite memories.
And we made good money off of that too.
Our spit is priceless and delicious.


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Today is day six. That means it is my sixth post. That means that I should introduce the new topic for today.
Day 06 - a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

Day 6: A Person You'd Love to Trade Places with for a Day

The person that I would want to trade places with for a day would be Meryl Streep. I think she is one of the classiest woman in the world (she could even be the classiest woman ever.) She has so much poise and talent and she does well in all her films. I just wonder what it would be like to be that feminine and, I don't know, just amazing. Yeah, that would be great to be her for a day.


I then started thinking about really who I would want to trade places with and I came to the conclusion that I would really trade with anyone for a day. Think of the things you would learn from any person's life. The possibilities are infinite. You would be able to give the benefit of a doubt to more people from just experiencing a different life, a different perspective, a different challenge. It would also be great to really experience the knowledge of that we all are very much the same in thoughts, passions, goals, emotions, and so many other things. It could just be the neatest experience to have.

So yeah, I guess if I could, I would be in any individuals shoes--but hopefully Meryl's.


Friday, April 8, 2011


Day five already here--and almost gone. This one will be fun though, promise

Day 5: Favorite memory

Memories, like the corners of my mind. Well, Barbara, I don't really think there are any corners in my Ok, so I guess there would be, but still, let's pretend it is a nice oval. That is a nice shape.

This day challenge has had me really thinking though. I feel like I never remember anything, so it has been fun to really try to remember my favorite memory. So thinking it over, I have come to the conclusion that there are WAY too many favorite memories. For example
  • Going over to Grandma and Grandpa Burt's house. There are too many good memories from that house (i.e. the amazing swimming pool, the fourth of July, playing Pokemon cards with the cousins, having the cousins make me cry after they called me Satan, cleaning the house with my grandma on New Year's Eve because I was home alone and scared of a thunderstorm, etc.) But my favorite memory would be with Grandpa Burt. You see, grandpa really never made anything in the kitchen. Even though he never cooked or anything like that, he would always make me peanut butter and jelly (homemade raspberry, of course) sandwiches. These sandwiches were special though. After he would make the sandwich, he would get a jam lid and press it in the center of the sandwich, making a circle PB&J. I loved it when he would make me sandwiches. Those sandwiches, clocks, and him playing the piano are the things that remind me of gramps. Great memories.
  • I would love the times when McCall and I would play together. Pet Shop toys and Barbies ruled our worlds. The best thing that we would do, though, was get her dog Licks all hyped up and have him run around the couch in this mad dash while we would stand on the couch and scream. That always put Melinda in a tizzy. That, and playing Tom Petty's "Free Falling" full blast with us jumping off the couch and shouting the words were some great memories with her.
  • The trip with my mom, Aunt Jenny, the boys, Ang, and me to Las Vegas was great. Having my mom and aunt do hand actions to Alanis Morissette's song "One Hand in my Pocket" while driving the van was great.
You know, thinking about this makes me realize that any memory with my family-good or bad-are my favorite memories. We have had some great times and even through our down moments, we have always been able to pull together and show our love for each other even more. One of the biggest memories that I have is when my brother and sister-in-law rented a red convertible Mustang, picked me up in Harrison, and got me out of my nannying job. I was such a mess because there were so many emotions, but I will never forget how much that meant to me. There are some great and crazy things we do for the people we love. So it is fun to look at any memory and find something good from it. You are able to see how really stupid you were, how scary that moment was, or just relish in the joy you felt. With every memory that I have, I feel some sense of joy because I am able to see how that incident in my life, and how I remember it, helped to shape me into the person I am today.

In short, every memory that I have is my favorite memory. How lucky am I for that?
Extremely lucky.


Thursday, April 7, 2011


Day four. Let's just get this over with.

Day 4: Favorite thing to do at night.

You have to be kidding me. What kind of question is this? My favorite thing to do it sleep. Sleep and read with the occasional clip of a movie. Really though, nighttime is made for relaxing. So yeah, Day four was HIGHLY disappointing. Let's make up a different question, shall we?

Revised Day 4: Would you choose insanity or death

Insanity. At first, I was thinking "I would rather be dead. The end." But then I was thinking, what if it were a fun insanity, not a horrible one. I mean, look at all you can do. For example, Van Gogh painted AMAZING things. Of course, he didn't sell any of them, he cut off his ear for a prostitute, and tried to kill his artist roommate (Gauguin, the artist)

BUT you will be famous after you die. No, but really, insanity doesn't seem that bad. You just have a different perspective of life. It would be just a new adventure in life. You might not even know that you are insane, so that is a plus. Besides, anyone can die. So yeah, I guess that is my choice. The end.

"The Reaper", Van Gogh

Excerpt from "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Why Are We Here?"Gauguin

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day Drie

I made it to day three. This is one of the proudest moments of my life.

Day 3: Favorite Television Show

Oh, the good ol' tube. I really don't have a favorite show right now, but I do love watching "The Amazing Race." Who doesn't want to watch people travel and do ridiculous tasks in the most random places?

Answer, not many people don't want to.

Really though, my favorite shows aren't on t.v. anymore. The show that I LOVE with all my heart is "Arrested Development". Why did they cancel the most amazing show? Probably because it was too amazing. It is one of the most hilarious sho
ws that has been on television. Ever. Pretty much I just watch reruns of that and "Flight of the Conchords". I am sure I like other t.v. shows, but I just can't think about that right now.

Oh, and I will always have a soft spot for Degrassi. You may make fun of me now.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Deux

So I really wanted to not post tonight, but if I don't have the willpower to answer a stupid question tonight, then how will I accomplish anything in life?

Yeah, I am making this that big of a deal.

Day 2: Who has been the closest to you the longest

My mom, hands down. I mean, I was in her womb for nine months and she has known me for almost twenty-two years. How could I NOT put her down? But really, not to get gushy or anything, my mom is seriously my best friend. We always hang out and goof off, I can talk to her about everything, and she always makes me feel like I am worth something. She has always been at my side, even when I didn't want her to be. She has helped me in the hard times and celebrated the good times with me. Yeah, my mom is pretty awesome.

A close second would be Cami and Chanel. We have been BEST FRIENDS since third grade. Yeah, we had a little break in our friendship, but we have always been close after that. They really are my "sisters" and we always do great things together. I love them so much and I know they love me. I am so lucky to have two amazing people as my best friends. It is neat to think about all that life has brought us and how we are able to keep a connection, even with our paths of life changing. They really are two of the most amazing people I know. I cannot get over the fact that they still want to be friends with me. Man, I have truly been blessed to have them in my life.

And I could not end this post without mentioning my dear sister, Angie. She has always been my older sister (yeah, laugh all you want) and she is almost my best friend. We have the most amazing friendship and I am so blessed to have her in my life. I miss her like crazy and I always want to be with her. She is an incredible person and I have always looked up to her. The amazing thing is that she has never let me down. How often does that happen? Not very often, I answer. So yeah, I love her to the end of time (which, in a scriptural sense, there is no time. So I love her in an infinite amount. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.)

Really though, I have been truly blessed to have these four people in my life. And Dad, Dave, Em, and Greg, you have impacted me too and I love you dearly. Don't beat up on Ang too much.

So there you go. Day two is done. Twenty-eight more to go.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Day numero Uno


I guess I can start with the first challenge. I am halfway embarrassed that I am doing this. Oh well, right? Maybe you all want to hear me talk about myself?

Yeah, I thought not.

But here it goes!

DAY 1: 15 facts about myself
  1. I have two spleens. Try to beat that.
  2. I like salad. Not just like it, but I crave it. If I could, I would eat a salad all day, every day.
  3. Speaking of salads, I have recently converted to vegetarianism. Please don't "feel bad" for me. I made the decision and I am more than happy with it.
  4. I love Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter more than I should. It is a problem.
  5. My hobby is music. Not playing instruments, I am too cool for that, but I will spend hours finding new bands, making playlists, and just broadening my horizons in that area.
  6. I make myself comfortable around people that I have recently met. I also take a long time learning about them. They, like myself, like to talk about themselves, so I give them that time.
  7. When I was younger, I used to ride my bike around the neighborhood and I would imagine that it was a horse and that I had a pet falcon. It was pretty awesome.
  8. I love to write letters. Everyone loves mail, so why not send them a piece of love in it?
  9. I am really good at making ugly faces. It is pretty much a talent now.
  10. I have a knack for making any situation pretty enjoyable. It is probably because I goof off in everything? Maybe.
  11. My favorite color is orange. I look good in orange. That equates to me looking like an orange at least twice a week.
  12. I love reading and I love collecting books. I want to have a HUGE library when I have my own house with so many different books in it. It is my dream.
  13. Whenever it is anybody's birthday that I know, I secretly wish that it would be my birthday instead. Birthdays are just great.
  14. I love to wear skirts or leggings. If I don't have to, I just don't wear pants.
  15. I only bite my thumb and pointer fingernails. The rest of my nails look exquisite.
That took a good 45 minutes. You all can thank me later. Get ready to hear from me tomorrow.


Hey Ya!

Hello, hello, hello world! It has been awhile, hasn't it.

So I have been meaning to update since, well, I guess since my last post. We all know that that was SIX months ago. Holy cow, what have I been doing? Well, I really don't know either. I have been trying to remember, but I halfway don't want to (too much effort) and I halfway don't want to tell because my life has been pretty boring. I mean, I guess I could try to think of some highlights, so I guess I will?

Sure, why not.

I stopped my job at Dillard's the week of Halloween. I was able to get a job with 4-H again though. My boss just called me up out of the blue and gave me a job. It was great. So now I am just hanging out with junior high kids every day. I seriously have the BEST job. I love it so much and the kids are just....great (on good days) Really though, I am blessed with it.

My best friend, Ashlee got married on November 5th. She was a gorgeous bride and I am so happy for her.

My other best friend, Cami, was married on December 28th. She was also a beautiful bride. They are both doing so well. It was so great to attend the temple with them both. it truly is a special place and I am so grateful that they were able to be married there for time and all eternity. I am blessed with great friends.

This year has been slow. I was not able to attend spring semester, so I have just been working for the weekend. I got another gig with a non-profit organization called Friends for Sight. I go to different junior high schools during the day and test the kids' vision. It has been a ton of fun going to other schools and associating myself with more junior high kids. I don't know why I like them so much, but I do so I might as well be fine with it.

I found out that I have two spleens. That was pretty exciting.

And...yeah, I guess that is pretty much it. I wish I could tell more about life, more adventures that have come to me, but like has been pretty normal. I should never complain about normalcy though.

Who knows what could happen when you least expect it.

Well, I am kind of ready for that to happen. I mean, life is comfortable now so I need something to spice it up. I am going to school for the summer semester. Cross our fingers that I will get my associates. I really should have it now for how long I have "been" in school. Yeah, I haven't been the best student at times, but I am ready to work my tail off this time.

I am looking at other jobs to add with my ones (the Friends for Sight gig is pretty much over until the fall, same with 4-H with the exception of a few summer camps) Some ones are pretty interesting so hopefully I will be able to get something fun.

I have thought about doing those lame "30 day challenge" things on my blog. I need to be more motivated to write. Plus, it is always fun to talk about yourself, right?

You are so very right, Chelsea.

Yeah, I wish I could give a cool update like "Oh, I went to the moon with Lance Bass", or "I found the lost city of Atlantis." But I have just been in a comfortable spot.

I hope I get my feathers ruffled soon.
